Thursday, November 26, 2009

Session 3 MED 858

I was not as nervous as I was in class yesterday compared to the pre-session last week. I am slowly getting used to the blog again. I learnt how to include my classmates' blogs to mine. I hope my students do not read's sooooo embarassing...:p:p

I was having problems at home trying to write on the WIKI space. In class, I realised I wasn't the only one having the problem. It's the system...not me after all...:p:p
It is also interesting to learn about Victoria School and Maris Stella School's online project work for the whole school. I wonder how online work can be successfully carried out in my school, especially in Maths. Even though the students have the Ace-learning portal to work with, students are generally not motivated to go through the examples and the exercises unless supervised. Anyone out there have any ideas how to motivate these kids to do the online activities???

I read some of the teachers' blogs and like me, we are having similar feelings about the readings load. But I am really learning a lot from the readings. In Islam, it's important for us to quote the hadith ( the practices of the prophet ) when teaching people about Islamic practices. So I suppose, it'd be good too to share findings with colleagues when we intend to implement certain practices in our classrooms....

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